Conveyor Chains
Elevator Chains
Transmission Chain Centre is the Top Supplier of Conveyor chains or Elevator Chains in India.
Conveyor chain are available in different sizes and variants as per requirements Each link of the chain has a bearing which is made up of a bearing pin and bush around which the chain roller revolves.
The bearing pin and bush are case-hardened to allow articulation under high pressures and to be able to handle maximum load carrying pressure as well as the gearing action imparted via the chain rollers.
Conveyour chains are manufactured as per customer spec from 50 mm Pitch up to 250 mm Pitch with K1 k2 M1 and M2 attachments. Also The chains are available in Both Riveted and Cotterred Construction.
Conveyor Chains Primary are available in 2 variants :
Straight Side Link Large Roller Chain
Offset Side Link Large Roller Chain

Please check the attached Catalogue for more dimensional details and specific tolerances for each type of Conveyor chains.

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